RACE 2022 was the opportunity of a lifetime. 59 Master’s students from EIT RawMaterials Labelled programmes & EIT RawMaterials partner universities travelled across Europe during 2 weeks and tackled the challenges for supply security of raw materials in Europe.

We travelled to Kiruna, Sweden to visit LKAB, specifically the company’s iron-ore mine in Kiruna, Sweden. LKAB invested substantial time and resources in the preparation of the visit – a tour of the visitor museum including the history of the mine, as well as example machinery. This was complemented by a series of lectures from different experts within the mine.

We travelled to Halmstad, Sweden to visit Stena. The host provided a tour of the visitor exhibition as well as the recycling plants, this was complemented by a presentation on their goals and innovations, as well as an HR session.

We travelled to Espoo Finland to visit VTT. The host provided an exceptionally organised visit, including a visit to GTK. The visit included a tour of the Biorukki pilot centre, GTK museum, as well as multiple small talks on GTK and VTT, including an HR session.

The final leg saw the final Pitching Competition! The winning teams will have access to additional guidance and mentoring sessions by EIT RawMaterials coaches to further develop their ideas into start-up solutions! RACE teams pitched their business solutions and start-up ideas to the jury.

At this point of the journey, after having spent two whole weeks together, true friendships and bonds had been created. A celebration was organised with a final dinner.

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